植物自然除蟎, 專為養寵母家庭研發
- 植物自然除蟎, 專為養寵母家庭研發
- 免洗免晾曬 一噴搞定 - 使用後無須晾曬, 無須拍打, 無須水洗, 無須熨燙
不含歐盟標注的26種可致敏香料 &不含殺蟲劑, 不含化學殘留 &不含色素, 不含二惡烷,鄰苯二甲酸脂類,三氯生
寵物白松香抑菌除蟎噴霧: 300ml
適用對象: 寵物母嬰人群
保存期限: 3年
產品功能: 產品功能 除蟎抑菌
- Natural plant power to remove mites, suitable for families with pet and children
- Effectively removes dust mites in the environment and prevents cross-infection caused by mites.
- It is also formulated with a variety of plant-derived essential oils and antibacterial ingredients to effectively inhibit bacteria and eliminate odors, leaving the air fresh and natural.
- Contains no 26 allergenic fragrances labeled by the EU & no pesticides, no chemical residues & no pigments, no dioxane, phthalates, triclosan.
Amo Petric - 寵物白松香抑菌除螨噴霧 (適合養寵或懷孕家庭) 300ml
HK$123.00 一般價格
Water, Galbanum essential oil, Ilex amaranthus extract, Melaleuca alternifolia leaf oil, plant acaricide, Forsythia suspensa extract
1. 取下安全鎖
2. 與物品保持30cm距離,適量均勻噴酒,自然晾乾
3. 使用前3天,每天噴1次,3天後,一週噴1-2次
Spray with 30cm distance, apply once a day for the first 3 days of usage. After the first 3 days apply once a week.